Breeders' Directory
Myers Family Farm / Connect to Creation
Heidi Dickens
Sapulpa, OK
Specializing in high producing cashmere stock
from imported New Zealand & Australian genetics.
Breeding stock & wethers available for sale
Starbright Farm
100% Cashmere roving in 1 oz. bundles, natural taupe $30
100% Cashmere yarn 4 ply lase/Sport 2 oz skeins, natural $65
Breeder Bucks: email for more info
E-mail for more info if interested
Wethers: email for more info
Breeder Does: $300
Richford, VT
East Meets West is a small homestead in Northern VT
Home to cashmere goats, sheep, and two Angora Bunnies
Handcrafted goat milk soaps, fiber, felted and knit goods
Hermit Pond Farm
Brookfield, NY
hermitpondfarm.comBreeding stock and kids for sale
Bucks for rent
26 years of cashmere breeding in Central NY
Harvard, MA
Wolf Well Farm Spring 2024 kids for sale
Doe kids for sale in early June $350
Harvard, MA 978-798-0042
Pine Hill Farm
Stockton, NJ
phfcashmeregoats.comRaising cashmere goats in Central NJ since 2013
CGA Award-winning goats and fiber
Young goats available for sale. Buck available for breeding.
Yarn and roving.
Maple Run Farm
Over 20 years of champion cashmere goats
Breeding stock, fiber pelts and pelt products available
Farm visits recommended, waitlist for this years kids
Visit website for more information!
Located in Madison, VA
St. Mary's On-the-Hill Cashmere
Sister Mary Elizabeth Garrett
Raising North American Cashmere Goats since 2004
Special interest in breeding for long staple and dark brown cashmere, with white, silver, and taupe also available.
Herd history includes multiple Grand Champions and Reserve Grand Champion bucks, does, and wethers.
Breeding stock available as the farm downsizes in 2024/2025.
McClure Farm
Dorothy McClure
Raing Cashmere goats and breeding to improve fiber and conformation
Does, bucks, wethers available
Contact me: or 636-359-8686
Instagram @Dorothyavismcclure
Harley Farm
Elaine Murray
So many goats, and they are well socialized
We have an abundance of high-quality cashmere goats for sale
Sale goats are white or badger colored
We have both young and adult goats available
Kids expected in April
High Seas Stables
Cathy Altomare
Gorgeous and friendly cashmere goats!
For sale: breeding stock and young goats
Bucks available for breeding. Great fiber producers
Downsizing herd - Many nice goats available!
Kato En Farm
Nadya Pena
Cashmere goats, breeding services, raw cashmere, farm tours
Book a visit today at
Follow our Facebook page, Kato En Farm!
Benjamin Forest Farm
Gareth Crosby
Raising North American Cashmere Goats since 2019
Breeding for medium guard hair, long cashmere, large frame
Fiber available on request: raw combed, roving and handspun as 100% cashmere or 50/50 merino blend
We recently introduced New Zealand and Australiaan genetics
Foundation animals from established breeders on the east and west coasts
Zephyr Point Farm
Keturah Bell
Sale of cashmere kids expected after weaning 7/2025